the origin of September's name, derived from the Latin word 'septem,' meaning seven, reflecting its position as the seventh month in the ancient Roman calendar.

September get its name from the latin word ‘septem’ which means?

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September, the ninth month of the modern calendar, actually gets its name from the Latin word “septem,” which means “seven.” This might seem confusing since September is the ninth month today, but historically, it was the seventh month in the ancient Roman calendar.

The Roman Calendar and Its Influence

  • Ancient Roman Calendar: The original Roman calendar had only ten months, beginning with March. In this system, September was indeed the seventh month, following August and preceding October.
  • Calendar Reform: When January and February were eventually added to the calendar, making it a twelve-month system, September retained its name even though it became the ninth month.

Key Points on September’s Name

  • Calendar Transition: The Roman calendar initially had only ten months, with September as the seventh month. It wasn’t until January and February were added that September became the ninth month.
  • Name Preservation: Despite the calendar reform, the name “September” was kept, maintaining its historical connection to the number seven.
  • Cultural Significance: The name reflects the lasting influence of Roman culture and language on modern-day practices.
  • Unchanged Tradition: The unchanged name serves as a reminder of how traditions can persist through centuries, even as the systems around them evolve.


The name “September” is a remnant of an older calendar system, preserving a piece of history that reminds us how our modern calendar evolved. Despite the shift in its position, the name has remained unchanged for centuries, reflecting the influence of ancient Rome on our daily lives.

By understanding the origin of September’s name, we gain insight into the lasting impact of historical traditions on contemporary society.

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